Sunday, 18 October 2015

Autumn Walk in Nuttall Park

On Thursday, year 1 took an Autumn stroll to Nutall Park to look for signs of Autumn. We collected interesting things like Autumn leaves,conkers and acorns. We took our findings back to school and used it to make some Autumn art...


  1. What a great trip out. You were all well behaved and you learnt so much too. What a great experience.

  2. Fantastic trip. Great to see them all enjoying the great outdoors so much.

  3. Some lovely autumn pictures 😀

  4. I've heard all about what a lovely time you all had. Sounds fabulous!

  5. Thank you for all of your lovely comments. It's great to see parents checking out the blog and finding out about the childrens learning. We had a great day!
